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viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

2ºB VIDEOS!!!!

Morning everybody!!!! You were looking forward to watching new videos weren´t you?? Today I would like to introduce 2ºB videos focus on two famous football players. Have a look at them and tell us your opinion.

8 comentarios:

  1. Hello!
    Good work guys.
    I like your videos.
    Good bye.

  2. Hi friends!!
    Our videos are very good!!
    I like the videos because are very funny!
    Good bye

  3. Hi guys!1
    our videos are the best!!
    I like the other videos too. =)
    good bye!

  4. Hi guys!
    Thanks you Blanca... and Dario jejeje
    Blanca your video it's fantastic
    Good bye darlings!

  5. hi friends¡¡¡
    the video of the roman is the best, but it´s very interisting.
    the video of alejandro is very funny but I like more the videos of roman
    bye bye¡¡

  6. Hello guys!! =)
    I like this videos, they are brilliant!!
    From my point of view I have liked more that of Román,though that of Alejandro also this one well!!!
    Good bye guys!

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. HI guys!!
    I like your videos becouse are interesting.
    I like more the video of Roman but Alejandro's video is not bad.
    Bye :D
